Defined Policies and Procedures

Many aspects of employee retention are well-studied and documented. People are emotional creatures and respond to things in their environment, which can often be controlled by you. Providing a supportive environment where people are challenged and allowed some level of autonomy goes a long way.

So the main question is, how can you create an environment where your employees are given leeway to do their jobs their way without being micromanaged?

Defined (written) policies and procedures go a long way toward allowing this to happen. While part of the documentation that a new hire should receive will cover things like their hours, vacation time, schedule, etc., this is not the documentation that will allow autonomy.

CAMBY Management Solutions will provide customized Policies and Procedures that cover the following topics:

Handling the Phones like a Champ!

Defining phone etiquette is crucial. It includes what to say on answering a call and whether to answer it. Should a ringing phone be answered while attending to a customer? What is the expected time for callbacks on voicemails?

Park Policies

It’s important for parks to publish policies for their guests to follow, such as quiet hours or pet rules. Staff should memorize these and post them on the website and welcome packet.

Procedures for unruly guests

Guests behaving disruptively, such as abusive behavior towards staff, excessive alcohol consumption, loud music, and noise after quiet hours, can be problematic. The staff needs a clear protocol to manage such situations.

Cancellation Policy and Procedures

RV campgrounds rarely allow full refunds for cancellations, but their staff are well-versed in handling these policies.

Discounts Allowed*

Campgrounds offer discounts for various reasons such as AAA, Good Sam, or local area discounts. Staff should know how to handle discount requests outside of these parameters.

Procedures for handling vending machines

Campgrounds usually have vending machines for drinks, snacks, or laundry. Staff should know how often to check them and what to do with the money.

Reporting Procedures

Every business needs periodic reports to account for activity on a daily and monthly basis. These need to be explicitly defined in a procedure manual, and the role in your campground is responsible for these reports.

CAMBY Happy Customer


One effective way of ensuring that common tasks are completed is to mandate daily, weekly, and monthly checklists. These can be implemented for the office and grounds staff.

Build a winning team with the assistance of CAMBY Management Solutions tailored to your park and the State in which you reside.

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* Creating a Policy and Procedure manual does not include procedures specific to your online reservation system or any bookkeeping or accounting system.